Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Be Weak

Don't be so strong always,
Always keeping your head among the lofty peaks,
Holding back those well-meaning tears,
And forming a perfect smile.
That smile, formed in the smithy of an unspoken heartbreak,
Crushes them those who love you
Whom your finest masquerades won't fool
For they hide within you.

So, be weak.

Choose a shoulder to cry upon,
To open up
And to sacrifice
For one love will be replaced by the other
And your heart,
Will rejoice in the new found spring and forget the harsh winters.

So, be weak.

Hide those smiles for once
And wear your heart on your sleeves.
Let the predators circle the sky
But your love will find its way to love.

Be weak and thus be strong.
And love.


  1. Hi Aswin,

    Love all your poems. They're really touching :)

    1. Hey Bhargavi,

      I'm very glad you enjoyed them. Thank you for the encouragement. :)

